High School: Kingsburg High School (Go Vikings!)
Degrees Earned: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies with a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
Starbucks Order: brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso.
Sarah started at FBH in July of 2022 as an interim children’s director and quickly moved into a permanent role in September of the same year. As the children’s director for elementary aged kids she is responsible for the training and equipping of kids to know Jesus in a very real real way. That also means she’s here most Sundays and Wednesdays.
Sarah grew up in Kingsburg, California and would claim it is the greatest town to grow up in. She homeschools four of her five boys and makes sure her husband doesn’t get out of line. For good measure they also have a male dog and two male cats. So for those keeping score thats boys: 9 girls: 3.
Sarah really enjoys being outside and reading the word of God. If she can be at the beach and do both of those things, she enjoys it even more.