Work at FBH

Any jobs that are currently live are still open to apply for.

High School Director

High School Ministry Director
First Baptist Hanford


Part-time employment
25 hours a week (8 hours banked each week to offset for winter and summer camps)
$20 per hour
Reports to Next Gen Pastor
Earliest start date: September 8, 2024


The High School Ministry Director (HSMD) will be responsible for:

High school midweek programming (Wednesday nights)
Writing lessons and small group leader guides for midweek programming
Recruiting, training, and maintaining volunteers
Training a student leadership team
Utilizing Planning Center Online for planning midweek services
Leading short-term topical studies and Bible lessons outside of midweek
Doing student contact time outside of regular church gatherings
Planning and executing outreach events
Help with all-church events (calendar provided ahead of time)
Fulfill all other duties assigned by the Next Gen Pastor


The HSMD should possess these qualities:

Continually seeking God - have a healthy and growing relationship with God
Relational - can connect with high school students
Maturity - can give wisdom to students and separate themselves from students
Leader - can motivate volunteers and students to follow them
Teacher - can exegete scripture and present it in a relevant way to students
Available - can meet with students outside of Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights