Gospel Transformation


Greetings church!

When I became a dad for the first time I couldn’t stop talking about it.  I think to this day Cooper has more photos on facebook than I do because every chance I got I was posting about how great it was to be a dad.  I even started a blog (when blogs were popular) about it at one point and every Monday wrote about my time with my first born that week.  By the time we were parents for the fifth time, I was still just as ecstatic but he didn’t get an entire website dedicated to him.  So it goes being the youngest, I guess.

I think this is the way we tend to be in the church.  We forget how monumental it is for people’s lives to be transformed by the gospel of Jesus.  Making a decision for Christ is a huge deal.

Acts 2:38 tells us, “…Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Thats a huge deal!  Think back to when you first came to faith, the excitement, the nerves, the reality that set in that you made a life changing decision.  The issue is, that with familiarity we tend to lose our excitement and wonder.  I would encourage you this week to regain your excitement and wonder as we celebrate baptisms at the 10:30 service.  Come and celebrate them as you remember your faith story as well.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Peter